This happened Monday night ,6 th of February,2023 around 9:00pm on N. Henry blvd, a
stone throw from the Stockbridge police dept.
My back plate lights were off. Secondly I had moved to a new lane without using the
signal light .
This policeman pulled me over.
Do you know why I pulled you over, he asked?
No I responded. He proceeded to gently explain to me.
He requested for my Drivers license and checked it out. He confirmed if my address
was current, and I said yes. He also asked If I had a gun in the car to which I said No.
He advised that I try to get the lights fixed as soon as possible, which I promptly did the
next morning.
I told him if all policemen were like him, we will not be seeing and hearing about police
brutality and killings. He said people are different, and we laughed it off, and he bid me
good night.
Later it occurred to me that the negative perceptions around police behaviors have
created expectations on both sides.{victims and the police.}
Because People are accustomed to and expecting police to be brutal, they sometimes
try to resist or run away in self defense.The police on the other hand in self defense
also sometimes become overreaching. This has created this vicious cycle which has
become the norm.
When we realize that expectations give birth to manifestations, we can then see the
genesis of wide spread police killings and brutality.
When we begin to change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change.
My objective is to begin to help to propagate more positive encounters with police.
This will hopefully help to change perceptions and expectations which will lead to
improved relations, reduce brutality and bring about harmonious and more pleasant
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