
Living and Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease

Living with AD

Living with AD is demanding and tiring. The simple tasks of daily living take longer. You find it difficult to do certain things you like to do or are used to doing yourself. You feel confused.

The physical and emotional changes are frustrating and can be disheartening. They can damage your self esteem, which is why it is essential that you maintain your physical and emotional health.

Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease

Olbot Tip for Coping with AD :

  1. Treat yourself with care and respect.
  2. Pay attention to your Nutrition. (Read the labels, count the calories).
  3. Excercise every day (with your Doctors approval)-(Walking, Gardening, Outdooring).
  4. Take your medications on schedule.
  5. Continue doing what you like doing.
  6. Volunteer when and where possible.
  7. Spend time with people you care about.
  8. Cut back on alcohol and tobacco.
  9. Avoid situations that may cause you anxiety.
  10. Watch out for Depression and stress.
  11. Rest when you are tired and get enough sleep.
  12. Knowledge is power. Knowing what to expect, helps you become proactive.
  13. Join the Olbot-DTC club.

Contact Us

+1 678 292 8939

2500 Pine Tree Road, NE, Atlanta. GA, 30324

© 2023 Olbot Attentions International (OAI) Inc.